Why singaporeans still go to thailand despite several coups, martial law, occupy airport, occupy cbd there's so much troubles in thailand the answer is because it's cheap our currency to theirs 1:24 sometimes 1:26 even, troubles bring opportunities beings humans as we are, we are always on the lookout for cheap opportunities to max our dollars. What's disadvantage for somebody is advantage for somebody else.
Initially tourism numbers in thailand dropped but later people realized it's really not that bad and the shopping restaurants clubbing just got even cheaper so went back to thailand in droves.
I think Greece will be the same if drachma tanked against the euro a lot of europeans will flock to greece for mediterranean partying clubbing holidays on the cheap.
Initially tourism numbers in thailand dropped but later people realized it's really not that bad and the shopping restaurants clubbing just got even cheaper so went back to thailand in droves.
I think Greece will be the same if drachma tanked against the euro a lot of europeans will flock to greece for mediterranean partying clubbing holidays on the cheap.