26-02-2015, 12:29 PM
From http://www.moneysense.gov.sg/Understandi...eques.aspx
for SGD cheque:
Cheque deposited on Account credited / debited on Funds available
Monday to Thursday (before cut-off time*) The same day the cheque is deposited The following day (after 2pm)
Thursday (after cut-off time*) Friday Monday (after 2pm)
Friday (before cut-off time*) Friday Monday (after 2pm)
Friday (after cut-off time*) Monday Tuesday(after 2pm)
*For most banks, the cheque deposit cut-off time is 3.30 pm on Mondays to Fridays.
Guess the cycle is longer for foreign currency cheques.
for SGD cheque:
Cheque deposited on Account credited / debited on Funds available
Monday to Thursday (before cut-off time*) The same day the cheque is deposited The following day (after 2pm)
Thursday (after cut-off time*) Friday Monday (after 2pm)
Friday (before cut-off time*) Friday Monday (after 2pm)
Friday (after cut-off time*) Monday Tuesday(after 2pm)
*For most banks, the cheque deposit cut-off time is 3.30 pm on Mondays to Fridays.
Guess the cycle is longer for foreign currency cheques.